THC Bomb 1g Sugar Diamond
THC: 82.69%
Sugar Diamond
- Exchange Policy
Missing or Incorrect Products:
LA Rush must be notified within 45 minutes about missing or incorrect items. Missing items will be sent out immediately with our next available driver with the same ETA as the original delivery. If an item is incorrect or missing and the delivery is completed after office hours, you must still message us within 45 minutes and our dispatchers will reach out to you the next day to schedule a time for delivery. This applies to all products including flowers, pods, cartridges, edibles, pre-rolls, CBD, gear, etc…
There will be no exchanges on opened products, even if the product has not been used.Disliking the product does not qualify for an exchange. In the case where the product is unsatisfactory, please notify one of our dispatchers and a manager will assist you as soon as possible.
Defective Products:
If a product is defective, LA Rush must be notified within 48 hours from the delivery time in order to schedule an exchange. Defects reported after this timemay be considered but are not guaranteed replacement (subject to manager approval). Products for exchange are limited to inventory availability.